Bookseller Integration
Nelson MindTap may be offered via Bookseller integration. If your school has opted to be integrated, please refer to the onboarding instructions they supply.
Student Self-enrolment
Your Nelson MindTap course can be sent to students for self-enrolment. Here is a script that can be utilised when sending instruction to them:
{{teachername}} has created a Nelson MindTap course for you to join.
Course Name: {{coursename}}
Course Key: {{coursekey}}
Nelson MindTap is a teacher led courseware platform, please:
1. Follow the link{{coursekey}}
2. Login/Create an account when prompted.
Note: Your school/bookseller may have created you an account, if so they will supply you with login
Temporary access has been provided to give you time to redeem your purchased access code. Access codes can be supplied with a print book, from a bookseller, or purchased at
Visit the Nelson MindTap help page for extra information or to contact Nelson Customer Support.